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1Z0-541 Webcenter Portal : Composer

Composer :

1. Whether or not page content is editable is determined when the content is developed.
For example, if a task flow is editable, an Edit icon appears on the task flow's header or when you move your mouse pointer over the task flow. If a task flow is not editable, no Edit icon appears.

2. No component actions, such as the Actions menu, the Collapse icon, or the Resize icon, are active when the page editor is set to Source view.

3. You can enable the capabilities described in page view mode by adding the following Composer design-time components to a page:
Panel Customizable, Show Detail Frame, Custom Actions, and Layout Customizable.

4. You can provide the capabilities described in page edit mode to your application by adding the following Composer design-time components to a page:
Change Mode Link or Change Mode Button, Page Customizable, Panel Customizable, Show Detail Frame,Custom Actions and Layout Customizable.

5. If you restrict customization on a container component, then users cannot add components inside it at runtime.

6. A task flow added to a page is automatically enclosed in a Movable Box component. As a result, the task flow displays a header with options to move or delete the component. The Movable Box component surrounding a task flow is displayed only if the task flow is displayed on the page. If you do not grant even View permission on a task flow, the Movable Box surrounding it is also not displayed on the page.

7. The Add icons (Add Box Components Adjacent to Existing Ones) are not rendered on the component if:
        The allow Action attribute on the Panel Customizable component is set to false
        The Panel Customizable is stretched
        The Panel Customizable component is restricted

8. If the Panel Group Layout has only two Box components and you delete one of them, then the Panel Group Layout is also deleted.

9. A component on which customization is restricted can be rearranged inside its parent container if the parent is customizable.

10. A component cannot be edited if:
                   The Id attribute was not set for the component at design time
                   The component or any of its attributes have been restricted
                   It is a component from the ADF Faces library

11. When searching for resource strings created at design time, Composer searches for the c:set tag that is used when specifying resource strings in JSPX files. The following example shows the c:set element used for defining the ComposerBundle in a JSPX page:
<c:set var="portalBundle"  value="#{compBundle['test.resource.ComposerBundle']}"/>

12. Composer supports creation of around 500 resource strings at runtime. Beyond this number, application performance slows down.

13. The search criteria in the resource string editor is case-sensitive.

14. If you defined customization restrictions on a component, then the Delete icon is disabled for the component at runtime.

15. Predefined layout options are available to users only if you have added a Layout Customizable component to the page at design time.

16. Users can access the Page Properties dialog from both Design view and Source view

17. In case of a deeply nested task flow or a task flow with a cyclic dependency, Customization Manager displays a maximum depth of ten task flows.

18. The Save button is provided on the Composer toolbar (both in Design view and Source view) only if the application is configured to use a sandbox.

19. Composer works only with JSPX pages and ADF Faces. You cannot add these components to JSP pages.

20. Composer and WebCenter Portal Customizable Components support cascading of privileges with Grant being a super set of all privileges. A user with Grant privilege on a page or task flow is considered to have Edit, Personalize, and View privileges. A user with Personalize privilege is considered to additionally have the View privilege.

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